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BB1 Apple

Description:BB1 BILLBO BADGES: An alternative 3-D Foam character badge carrying you message with impactability!! All included: Your choice of Character, Foam colour and Badge Fitting printed up to Full Colour onto 300gsm Gloss Card and all made the UK way. Easy Ordering options: Pick your CHARACTER, your FOAM colour your badge fitting (Sticky Tab, Brooch Pin or Magnetic) and send with your artwork and order SIMPLES!!...Read Less...Read More

Print Area:30x40mm

Product Size:

Lead Time: 7-10 Days

Available Colours:Yellow,White,Brown,Green,Blue,LightBlue,TurquoiseBlue,RoyalBlue,NavyBlue,LightPurple,Pink,Red,LightPink,Purple,Grey,LightGreen,Orange

Product Code: SM315267

(Disclaimer: Prices shown exclude set-up/origination costs, delivery and VAT. Prices and specification are subject to change without prior notice.)